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"OK, Your Turn"

Games Rules

Place cards face down, and pick a player to start. The first player pulls a card and reads the category at the top and the subject on the card out loud. Say a relevant answer for that subject without pausing then say “OK, your turn” and pass the card to the left. The next player then recites an example without repeating any of the previous players responses, then continue passing the card to the left. When a “wild” card is pulled that player decides the topic for that round (remember to pick a topic within the category at the top of the card). After the card has rotated around the room pull a another card from the deck. Continue playing until there is only one player left.

If you pass the card without saying “OK, your turn”, you're out. If an eliminated player catches a player repeating an answer or reciting a wrong answer he/she can take that players spot and get back in the game. If a player takes longer than 5 secs to answers they will be eliminated too.

*Keep the card in rotation even after player get eliminated until it has been passed around the room.

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