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"Ghetto Translate"

Games Rules

Disclaimer: IT IS ONLY A GAME!!

Ghetto Translate is easy to play but remember it is only a game.  

Place the deck of cards face down the table or designate that one boring friend that comes to the game night but never wants to play to read the cards. Turn one card over at a time and read the regular words on the cards  for everyone to hear. Then everyone "translates" that word or phrase into a slang or more "hood" version.  For example, if the card says "hello" the ghetto translate version might be "What up", "Sup", What it Do", "Yooo", etc.

There are no  specific answers but there are wrong answers.  If you answer a question on the card instead of translating you don't get a point, if the word on the card is "hello" and your response is "goodbye', you don't get a point.  If the word on the card is "hello" and you say "hi" (just another common alternative) you don't get a point.  

The way to win is to be the quickest and the loudest. Whoever accurately translates the quickest gets the most points and whoever gets the most points wins the game.


If you want to add some more excitement here are some alternatives to keep the game going.  If there is a tie make each person say another word until they run out of translations.

Create a penalty for anyone that says the wrong translation (get creative). 

Play as a team and make up a penalty for the losing team 

Take turns reading the cards and the person reading can't guess

If you think of another alternative you would like to share with us let us know.  


Place Cards Face Down

Place entire deck of cards face down in the middle of the table or if you will have a designated reader make sure no one else can see the words on the cards.


Flip Cards Over 

Flip cards over one at a time reading the word or phase so everyone can see and hear.



Translate the words or phrases on the cards into popular slang used today.  The first person to recite a correct term collects that card. 


How to Win

The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

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